
Alice de Reviers
Favorite Genres
Fiction, French Literature, literary nonfiction, Politics,
Fiction, French Literature, literary nonfiction, Politics,
Currently wrapping up a Master's Degree in Communication, Culture and Institutions at the French university of Sciences Po Lyon, Alice has joined the Albertine team for a six-month internship. After spending one year in Maine and at least a decade in her books, she is thrilled to be back in the U.S. to share her passion for French culture with New Yorkers. She also loves cinema, photography and music!
Alice de Reviers | July 27, 2021
Created by Jacques Shiffrin in 1931, La Pléiade is a groundbreaking collection that offers the complete works of classic authors in a single-volume, easy to carry, virtually indestructible format that is easy to carry around.
Created by Jacques Shiffrin in 1931, La Pléiade is a groundbreaking collection that offers the complete works of classic authors in a single-volume, easy to carry, virtually indestructible format that is easy to carry around.
Created by Jacques Shiffrin in 1931, La Pléiade is a groundbreaking collection that offers the complete works of classic authors…
Alice de Reviers | July 17, 2021
Since the annual Films on the Green series of outdoor screenings has just kicked off in New York City, starting with Claude Pinoteau’s La Boum, today’s literary staff pick will be dedicated to our screens. Here is a book on everything else but books - an essay on pop culture, mainstream media and the norms they transmit.
Since the annual Films on the Green series of outdoor screenings has just kicked off in New York City, starting with Claude Pinoteau’s La Boum, today’s literary staff pick will be dedicated to our screens. Here is a book on everything else but books - an essay on pop culture,…
Since the annual Films on the Green series of outdoor screenings has just kicked off in New York City, starting…
Alice de Reviers | June 3, 2021
For this year’s Pride reading list, you will be shocked to find neither Virginie Despentes nor Edouard Louis ; although we do absolutely recommend reading them, we thought we would challenge ourselves a little bit to give you some perhaps less obvious advice. Enjoy! And celebrate!
For this year’s Pride reading list, you will be shocked to find neither Virginie Despentes nor Edouard Louis ; although we do absolutely recommend reading them, we thought we would challenge ourselves a little bit to give you some perhaps less obvious advice. Enjoy! And celebrate!
For this year’s Pride reading list, you will be shocked to find neither Virginie Despentes nor Edouard Louis ; although…
Alice de Reviers | May 6, 2021
Julia Deck’s first novel offers us a troubling, yet never despairing, dive into madness by questioning the stability of the subject - and uses some very fun writing tricks to do so.
Julia Deck’s first novel offers us a troubling, yet never despairing, dive into madness by questioning the stability of the subject - and uses some very fun writing tricks to do so.
Julia Deck’s first novel offers us a troubling, yet never despairing, dive into madness by questioning the stability of the…
Alice de Reviers | April 1, 2021
Yasmina Reza achieves something rather unique here in translating traumas, complicated family relationships and mid-life crises into one of the most delightful and fun pieces I have ever read.
Yasmina Reza achieves something rather unique here in translating traumas, complicated family relationships and mid-life crises into one of the most delightful and fun pieces I have ever read.
Yasmina Reza achieves something rather unique here in translating traumas, complicated family relationships and mid-life crises into one of the…
Alice de Reviers | March 16, 2021
Despite appearances, Antoine des Gommiers is not the main character of the eponymous new novel by Lyonel Trouillot. Antoine des Gommiers is a Haitian myth whose story shapes that of the narrator’s by tying it to his family, his neighborhood and his island. Antoine des Gommiers may or may not have existed ; Trouillot asks us instead to experience the…
Despite appearances, Antoine des Gommiers is not the main character of the eponymous new novel by Lyonel Trouillot. Antoine des Gommiers is a Haitian myth whose story shapes that of the narrator’s by tying it to his family, his neighborhood and his island. Antoine des Gommiers may or may not…
Despite appearances, Antoine des Gommiers is not the main character of the eponymous new novel by Lyonel Trouillot. Antoine des…