Fiction for Kids Ages 8

8 years old is an important age in a reader’s life, as it is around that time that they become autonomous, discover their own interests, and form their own aesthetic. Therefore, it is important to help them find books that will entertain them, expand their horizons, and give them the curiosity to open other books. And we all know that there is no better season than summer to achieve all this. This is why we have put together the list below, taking into account the different fluency levels of our readers. From detective stories, to adventurous tales, to historical fiction, we’ve got your children covered!
Illustration by Marc Boutavant
Reading List
Adventure. Comedy.
Dumpster Dog smells like sardines, is covered in fleas, is surrounded by a cloud of flies, and lives in a trash can with his friend Flat Cat. But none of this keeps him from dreaming! More than anything, he would like to find an owner who loves him, one worth begging for. And one fine day, he decides to set off on a journey to find one. This is when his troubles begin!
The extraordinary adventures of this outsider dog will make everyone laugh.
Chien Pourri by Colas Gutman & Marc Boutavant, Ecole des loisirs
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Adventure. Comedy.
Alexia and her friends are furious: the city destroyed their paradise–the skate park–to build an “ultra-chic cultural Megacenter”. On the day of its opening, the three skaters flip over the buffet table, disappear without warning, and end up seeking refuge in the basement of the building. They then cross paths with Ms. Charlotte, the new cleaning lady…
Mlle Carlotte by Dominique Demers & Tony Ross, Gallimard jeunesse
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Adventure. Comedy.
Do you know Angel Havoc? She lives in Funnyville with her parents and “two big problems”: her older brothers who have the terrible habit of calling her Goofy the Goofball. But in her life there is also Chewy the doll, Granny Havoc, and most importantly Dopy Kevin (who always smells like lemon and is the coolest kid on Earth). Goofy leads a wild life, is full of sparkling ideas, and is a tough character all around!
Cucu la praline by Fanny Joly & Ronan Badel, Gallimard jeunesse
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Tales. Adventure.
Whale knows that he must not leave his clan; Grandma Ouma has told him this repeatedly. He also knows that he must be suspicious of the Zoms. But with Loump, his cousin, he cannot resist the desire to to make a little visit to see these animals with starfish at the ends of their flippers. And so they discreetly disappear…
Moi, Baleine by Orianne Charpentier and Olivier Desvaux, Gallimard jeunesse
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Detective Novel
When Rose enters the Black Rock boarding school, she has no idea what awaits her. She meets Nadget, with her ravishing smile; Ambroise, the son of the guards at the boarding school; and his dog Clipper. One rainy day, while taking a tour of the boarding school, they notice bits of paper with pleas for help thrown from the tower. Who could be sending those messages? It’s a mystery that the Rain Club, as they call themselves, has to solve.
Le Club de la pluie au pensionnat des mystères by Malika Ferdjoukh, Ecole des loisirs
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Detective Novel
It’s the end of winter vacation in Saint-Malo, and at last the Rain Club finds itself without any mystery in particular to dig into. But then Jeanne Eyrmont, the goddaughter of the principal, shows up at the Pierres-Noires boarding school; and she seems frightened, as if she had seen ghosts. For real! Rose, Nadget and Milo decide to shed some light on the case.
Le Club de la pluie brave les tempêtes by Malika Ferdjoukh, Ecole des loisirs
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Detective Novel
Are you happy with yourself, Kamo? Do you really think that your brilliant idea was the idea of the century? Then why did it drive Mr. Margerelle, our Tip-Top Teacher, mad as a hatter? Can you tell us? Your famous idea, Kamo, don’t you think that it was the mistake of the century? The blunder of the century? Do you see what state our Tip-Top Teacher is in? And now, what are you planning on doing to cure him?
Kamo, L’idée du siècle by Daniel Pennac, Gallimard jeunesse
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Adventure. Historical.
Right after World War II, the young Little Lou leaves his Louisiana home for the Parisian streets. With his jazz group, he plays in cafes and walks around the City of Light–free and joyous. But one morning, on the banks of the Seine, he sees two tough guys that he knows too well…
Little Lou à Paris by Jean Claverie, Gallimard jeunesse
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Tale. Adventure.
In the South African savannah, at the beginning of the century, Bertie makes an incredible discovery: a white orphan lion cub. He adopts it. They are inseparable up until the day when the young boy is sent to boarding school in Europe, and the lion is put in the circus. Will they see each other again? Follow the adventures of these two heroes over the years in this moving tale based on a true life story.
Le lion blanc by Michael Morpurgo and François Place, Gallimard jeunesse
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Tale. Adventure.
In a Lakota Native American tribe, the young Fire-from-the-Sky sees his life shaken up when his father adopts a boy brought back from the White Men. The newcomer takes the place of Little-Hut, the eldest in the family, who was killed by the White Men. To get rid of this enemy brother, Fire-from-the-Sky wants to lead him back to his own people. But how will the two children avoid the White Men’s bear traps, or the gold miner’s dynamite…and how will they overcome the misunderstandings that separate them from each other?
Frère-ami by Michel Piquemal & Emmanuel Roudier, Rue du monde
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Eve has the great luck of being able to visit the great colonial exhibition in Paris in 1931, with its extraordinary palaces and its festivities representing the entire world. But she also discovers a child brought from far away, locked behind bars like a dangerous animal…How can she protest this? How can she try to offer her friendship?
L’enfant du zoo by Didier Daeninckx, Rue du monde
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Tale. Travel.
A rich sultan is going to become a father for the first time. He has never been so proud! After having visited the best shops in the souk, he ends up finding an enormous diamond that he will offer his wife on the day of the birth. If however, the jeweler manages to successfully attach it to a necklace…
Le diamant du sultan by Catherine Gendrin & Judith Gueyfier, Rue du monde
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Tale. Travel.
In Lapland, the polar winter is a never ending night and one sometimes meets frightening giants there. How will Aslak, the reindeer farmer, save his daughter whom the terrible giant from Lake Vuolvojavri has decided to marry?
Le géant du pays des glaces by Julia Chausson & Laurence Fugier, Rue du monde
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Tale. Adventure. Travel.
Sayado and Fatim were adopted by an antelope. Now that they are big, the two children must rejoin the world of humans. And so they find themselves in the particularly joyful main city of Waalo: the king will be hosting his famous singing competition on the next day! But the terrible Mamassa seems to have something else in mind…Why is she trying to make the two children disappear at any cost?
Les enfants de l’antilope by Zaü & Souleymane Mbodj, Rue du monde
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Tale. Adventure. Travel.
Chôji leaves for the mountains with her grandmother. A lord gave the order to abandon old people there because he deemed them to be useless to the country. A little later, a nearby lord threatens to invade the kingdom if he does not receive the answer to three riddles. And what if it were precisely the grandparents who knew the mysteries of the world best?
La grand-mère qui sauva tout un royaume by Sandrine Thommen & Claire Laurens, Rue du monde
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Tale. Adventure.
Once upon a time in the city of Paris. Once upon a time in the Rue Broca. Once upon a time at a Kabyle cafe. Once upon a time there was Monsieur Pierre. Once upon a time there was a little boy named Bachir. Once upon a time a little girl. And it is just like that, in this book, that you will meet a witch, a giant, a pair of shoes, Scoubidou the travelling doll, a fairy, and that you will finally know the true story of Lustucru and Mother Michel.
La sorcière de la rue Mouffetard et autres contes de la rue Broca by Pierre Gripari, Gallimard jeunesse
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All of the talent of Jean-Claude Mourlevat in a collection of stories that mixes malice and wisdom.
In a harbor town of Norway, there was a very old man who was missing an ear. “How did you lose it?”, we asked him in the inn where he came to get drunk each evening; and he happily responded: “Oh, that was a long way back!”, he said, “I was still a little boy”.
And each evening, the old sailor told a new story. Can we believe him?
L’Homme à l’oreille coupée et autres histoires by Jean-Claude Mourlevat, Gallimard Jeunesse
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Adventure. Tale.
Nothing better for a rat than to live in a harbor where food is abundant. Up until the day when Vasco discovers that his tribe has mysteriously disappeared. The young rat must survive the labyrinth of the city and its sewers. Even if it means submitting to Akar’s terrible law! But humans are prowling…Will Vasco manage to escape their traps?
La Tribu de Vasco by Anne-Laure Bondoux, Gallimard jeunesse
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Adventure. Historical.
The roads are not safe in this year of 1354. Garin finds himself caught in a battle between the French and the English and locked up in the Chateau de Montmuran. With him, there is a strange prisoner, a man whose name no one knows. Garin discovers his identity. Alas, this will only cause him problems–especially when they see that the prisoner has mysteriously vanished.
Garin Trousseboeuf by Evelyne Brisou-Pellen, Gallimard jeunesse
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Adventure. Historical.
There are three that fate has brought to earth over time. 52 B.C. The Celts are rebelling against Rome. Born on the same day, in the same year, but in different camps, Windus, Morgana, and Petrus are united by a strange force. And they discover that together they can influence the course of History. But an invisible enemy puts himself in their way.
Les Messagers du temps by Evelyne Brisou-Pellen, Gallimard jeunesse
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Adventure. Tale.
Alduin is the son of the chief; Lena is the daughter of the healer who lives in a cabin. Nothing could make them more different but they are the best of friends. And so when Alduin learns that the Ice Warriors–terrible beings who live beyond the mountains–are coming back to again take away a young girl, his blood starts to boil. Even more so since the villagers are ready to sacrifice Lena.
Les aventures d’Alduin et Léna by Estelle Faye, Nathan
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Who killed Dedalus, the famous architect? It could be anyone. The inventor of the labyrinth where the Minotaur was held prisoner had a lot of enemies. Only Hermes, the cleverest of the gods, is capable of untangling this mystery. Even if it means descending into the Underworld to discover the truth.
Le Mystère Dédale by Richard Normandon, Gallimard jeunesse
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This paperback series offers new novels for readers to discover a period in history, as well as information pages about the particular period.
Nonfiction. History.
Blanche is the niece of Lorentz–Gutenberg’s real life servant. She would like to discover what Gutenberg has been thinking about so much recently, but has to work in the kitchen. While looking for her cat, she makes friends with someone in the workshop: Anton. Maybe he will reveal the secrets of these strange machines?
Blanche, apprentie dans l’atelier de Gutenberg by Corinne Vandelet & Sixtine Dano, Bayard jeunesse
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Nonfiction. History.
August, 1944. Paris. Léon is 11 years old. Along with his neighbors, he is building a barricade to prevent the enemy tanks from advancing. But for how long will the Parisians be able to hold out against the German soldiers?
Léon, qui vécut la libération de Paris by Yann Bernabot, Bayard jeunesse
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This collection retells the adventures of the great mythological heroes through short and captivating novels. Richly illustrated, these novels are easy gateways to the mythological universe that continues to thrill children everywhere.
Hercules’ second mission is again to kill a monster–a hydra, which has been frightening the city of Lerne. This beast is an immense snake with nine heads that grow back when you cut them off! Hercules asks for help from his nephew, Iolaos, to finish off this terrible creature.
Hercule et l’hydre de l’Herne by Hélène Montardre and Alban Marilleau, Nathan
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Clémentine Beauvais here adapts the famous legend of the Minotaur–the famous creature locked up in a labyrinth who devours a sacrifice sent by Athens every 9 years. And even if Theseus naturally takes up an important role in this short novel, the author has made the choice of casting more light on the character of Ariane, the daughter of King Minos.
Theseus certainly shows incredible courage for daring to confront the Minotaur alone, but how would he have won without Ariane’s help? What she ends up doing is a pure act of treason towards her city and we see how Theseus thanks her…
Ariane et le défi du labyrinthe by Clémentine Beauvais & Sébastien Pelon, Nathan
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