8 Winter Stories While We’re Waiting for Spring!

With Spring still a few months away, cuddling on the couch with great books and your little one(s) isn’t out of season yet. And this month, you’re in for a treat: Léa Decan is back with a new beautiful album about Pierre, a little boy in search of a game buddy; Geneviève Casterman has a new delightful story about Lily’s adventures on a snowy weekend: and Mathilde Brosset will take you on a whirlwind tour of Niels’s fabulous carnival.

Reading List

Sous la glace by Michaël Escoffier, Ella Charbon

For kids ages 2 and up

A budding fisherman sees a fish under the sea. And when the fish bites the hook, his many friends come to the rescue. And the fisherman’s friends do so as well. Who’s going to win?

Sous la glace, by Michaël Escoffier, Ella Charbon, éditions des éléphants

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Bébé va au marché by Atinuke, Angela Brooksbank

For kids ages 2 and up

It is market day and baby loves it. Securely attached to his mother’s back, he smiles at the many vendors and receives in exchange bananas, oranges, corn, and pieces of coconuts.
His mother, focusing on her own shopping, doesn’t notice that her basket is growing heavier and heavier until…

This lovely tale will familiarize your kid with numbers and introduce him to the charm of an urban African market.

Bébé va au marché, Atinuke, Angela Brooksbank, éditions des Eléphants
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Petite marmotte à la bougeotte by Marianne Barcilon, Christian Jolibois

For kids ages 3 and up

Biscotte, a baby groundhog can’t stay still! That’s because she wants to see, to learn, to know everything. Nothing can stop her. Except Winter maybe? All around her, the world gets ready for hibernation. But there is no way Biscotte will sleep for 6 months, her life is way too busy for that..

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Petite marmotte à la bougeotte, by Marianne Barcilon et Christian Jolibois, École des loisirs, coll. Les Lutins.

Ribambelle by Mathilde Brosset

For kids ages 3 and up

Today is Carnaval, but sadly Nils has no costume. Will he be missing the big party of the year? Fortunately he has many resourceful friends – Sacha, Abdul Emile, Jocelyne, and they are all ready to help!

Ribambelle by Mathilde Brosset, Versant Sud.
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For kids ages 4 and up

That morning, Lily, Arthur, Lasne, Basile and Claire were at home when snow began to fall. The kids immediately started dreaming of big adventures awaiting them outside. But by the time they all got ready to go out, it had stopped snowing….

Fait d’hiver : une aventure de la bande de Lily by Geneviève Casterman, Esperluète éditions.

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For kids ages 5 years and up

Alma et Léon are off to spend the day at the lake. While Alma is engrossed in her favorite book, a gust of wind sweeps Léon off his feet and takes him away. What will Alma do? That’s for you to decide…

Alma et Léon : journée de pêche by Marianne Dubuc, Mango éditions.

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For kids ages 5 years and up

Pierre loves nothing else more than playing outside in his family’s garden. But today it’s been raining since the morning, so Pierre has to stay indoors and he’s feeling a bit bored and restless.…

Qui veut jouer avec Pierre ? by Léa Décan, éditions L’Agrume. 

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Le Déclic by Paule Battault, Marie Bretin (Illustrations)

For kids ages 5 years and up

In a small England town, Lady Ampère and Lord Watt live in neighboring castles.
Nothing is too beautiful for Lord Watt, nothing too expensive for Lady Ampère, and as Christmas approaches, they try to outdo each other for the most beautiful, extravagant holiday decoration displays….

Le Déclic, by Paule Battault and Marie Bretin (ill.), éditions de L’Élan vert

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