6 Gift Ideas for Kids Ages 2-5

The Holidays are the best season to spend hours on the couch, reading stories to your little ones. And great good news, the wonderful Lucie Brunellière, Matthieu Maudet, Magali Le Huche and Seng Soun Ratanavanh are back with beautiful new albums!  All you have to do is take your pick!

Reading List

Bienvenue au pays des merveilles by Lucie Brunellière

For kids ages 2 and up!

Alice au pays des merveilles, La Belle et la Bête, Pinocchio, Robin des Bois, La Petite Sirène… This magnificent book illustrated by Lucie Brunellière presents these 5 fairy tales as if they were theater plays. Take your seat, the show is about to start. Welcome to Lucie Brunellière’s wonderland!

Bienvenue au pays des merveilles by Lucie Brunellière
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For kids ages 3 and up

Jean-Michel, the super caribou of the woods, loves to help the inhabitants of Valbonvent.
Have a problem ? No fear, Jean-Michel is here! By way of saying yes – to everything, and to everyone – our superhero no longer knows where to turn, and finds himself on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Luckily Gisèle is there to help him assert himself, regain his self-confidence, and teach him how to get organized!

Jean-Michel ne sait pas dire non, Magali Le Huche, Actes Sud

Le Monstre du placard déteste Noël by Antoine Dole, Bruno Salamone (Illustrations)

For kids ages 4 and up

Le monstre du placard doesn’t like the holidays. To be honest, he hates it! No wonder, since Santa Claus sees all… How could he go on with his usual behavior? Here’s a hilarious album that should help everyone come to peace with holiday traditions!

Le Monstre du placard déteste Noël by Antoine Dole and Bruno Salamone (Illustrations), Seuil Jeunesse
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Père Léon by Matthieu Maudet and Gilles Baum

For kids ages 4 and up

A TV in each room, dozens of stuffed animals… What good are the holidays to those who already have everything? Père Léon has had enough and decides to address this with some of his friends.
If you like Santa Claus, then you will love Père Léon, the cheminey’s Robin Hood!

Père Léon by Matthieu Maudet and Gilles Baum
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Il était une fois la chouette de Noël by Daisy Bird and Anna Pirolli

For kids ages 4 and up

Once upon a time during Christmas lived a little owl all alone in the middle of a deep, dark, and misty forest. One particularly icy morning, he heard an unfamiliar noise in the forest… What was it?
The owl found herself suddenly transported to a new place, one that was very bright and noisy. But where was she?
Inspired by a true story, this book tells the story of the owl Rocky, who was found in a tree of the Rockefeller Center in New York and then rescued by an association and released in a nearby forest.

Il était une fois la chouette de Noël by Daisy Bird and Anna Pirolli
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Hana et le vent by Joelle Veyrinc and Seng Soun Ratanavanh

For kids ages 5 and up

Once upon a time, there was a small paper village on top of a mountain. The inhabitants, who were thin and light, led a pleasant life but had a great fear of the wind. Since childhood, everyone learned to weigh down their pockets whenever the autumn winds blew. This hadn’t changed for centuries and would last for five and a half days.
But one day, an unexpected gust arrived, followed by a continuous powerful blast from the village on the opposite mountain. But it wasn’t autumn! Hana, a frail and quiet little girl, suggested making a large string of paper to cross the precipice and asking the inhabitants of the wooden village to put an end to this great danger…

An original, humanist, and incredibly delicate tale.

Hana et le vent by Seng Soun Ratanavanh, La Martinière Jeunesse

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