Floride by Lauren Groff

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After you’ve finished reading Floride (Florida), you might want to ask me why I chose to include this collection of short stories set in a snake-and -alligator-infested Florida about women who have become prey to dangerous wildlife and a no less threatening climate in a summer reading list. The reason is quite simple: because I haven’t read any fiction nearly as good in a long long time!

Groff’s prose is mesmerizing; and her ability to share these hellish visions, to draw you into the fates of characters in a few lines, to immerse you in this cycle of highly realistic end-of-the-world dystopic micro-fictions, is simply astonishing. My favorite?
A woman sitting by her window watches her entire family world disintegrate as a hurricane hits her neighborhood. While her property is being destroyed by the storm, she has conversations with deceased loved ones–her father, her husband.

Don’t delay, get your hands on this modern, feminist, and rageful dazzling collection of short-stories now!

Floride, a collection of short stories by Lauren Groff, trans. from the English by Carine Chichereau, editions de l’Olivier
Click here to purchase this book with us.

After almost two decades of working in publishing, and a few round trips between Paris and New York, Miriam has decided to settle down at Albertine to do what she enjoys most: recommending books she loves. Somehow this also includes taking bizarre pictures for Albertine's social media outlets.
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