Bed of Nails

Varenne – a philosopher before he took up writing – has crafted an incredibly brilliant, psychologically taut thriller in Bed of Nails. At the center of the story is a troubled detective who, after a meltdown, has been assigned to Paris’s overworked suicide investigation bureau. The new post, however, hasn’t stopped him from working on a grand theory of everything, the idea that every crime and death is somehow related. Orbiting the story is a recent victim’s strange friend, who can’t quite believe that his friend would kill himself. Inevitably their paths converge, and the detective’s theory begins to make sense… This is easily one of the most well-written and philosophically informed thrillers I’ve ever read, on a par with Derek Raymond’s famed Factory Series.
Bed of Nails, a novel by Antonin Varenne, translated by Sian Reynolds, Maclehose Press, 2014.