Attraper la course by Lorenzo Mattotti and Maria Pourchet

You didn’t have the chance to be in Paris to experience the 2024 Olympics? You missed the opportunity to discover the latest edition of the Angoulême International Comics Festival? Here you have the opportunity to discover Lorenzo Mattotti’s drawings, which were exhibited at the Festival de la BD at the Musée de la Ville d’Angoulême last January.
Attraper la course is a blend of art and sport, or rather of sport and different art mediums. The quality of the artist’s line is outstanding, as are the multiple presentations and visions of running that he takes us through: sprinting, running in the forest, the Olympic torch relay… Through the use of different techniques and formats, the illustrator immerses us in the world of runners.
His sublime drawings are collected in the exhibition catalog and accompanied by a text by Maria Pourchet, author of Avancer (2012), Rome en un jour (2013), Champion (2015), Toutes les femmes sauf une (2018), Les impatients (2019), Feu (2021) and Western (2023, Prix de Flore).
Maria Pourchet’s previously unpublished text is as beautiful as you could wish for, accompanying the illustrations magnificently without describing them, but rather complementing them.
An ideal coffee table book for fans of running and drawing!
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