aka Marcel Duchamp

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What better way to explore the evolving impact and influence of Duchamp and his work than by looking at both through a wide variety of lenses? This gorgeous edition does just that, examining his career from many angles: photography, fashion, art criticism, curation, Dadaism, mathematics, and more. What emerges is a richly complex portrait of one of the 20th century’s most important artists, which is exactly what he deserves.
aka Marcel Duchamp: Meditations on the Identities of an Artist
Edited by Anne Collins Goodyear & James W. McManus, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press
Tom Roberge grew up in Connecticut and has lived in New York since 2001. In that time he's worked at McNally Jackson Booksellers, the literary magazine 'A Public Space', and the book publishers Penguin Books and New Directions. He is co-host - along with Open Letter's Chad Post - of the Three Percent Podcast.
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