Watch Albertine Events on Livestream

Couldn’t make it to all of Albertine’s events this winter? Good news: we caught many of them on Livestream, including conversations with international philosophers and artistic performances during A Night of Philosophy & Ideas; a talk with France’s former Minister of Environment, Ségolène Royale; and discussions on topics ranging from African art restitution to Michel Houellebecq’s Sérotonine, digital privacy, and the legacy of legendary publisher Jacques Schiffrin.

A Night of Philosophy and Ideas

Co-presented by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy and the Brooklyn Public Library. Filmed at the Brooklyn Public Library.

Ségolène Royal and Amy Davidsen in Conversation

Panel Discussion on African Art Restitution with Felwine Sarr and Guests

On Michel Houellebecq’s Sérotonine

The Privacy Paradox | The Alliance Series

A Publisher in Exile, from Pléiade to Pantheon

 What’s coming up in April?

Tune in for We, the Robots, a talk on AI in the digital era, plus a conversation with Rick Moody on Barthes and a panel on France in the World, the translation of the bestselling Histoire Mondiale de la France.