New Picture Books for Your Weekend!
To celebrate the return of the nice season, we have selected a few picture books that sing the praise of travels, outdoor adventures, and long sunny days. Embarq with Flamingo for a cruise across the oceans, join Badger the trapper as helps animals in distress around him, hear Charlotte and her overwhelming love of shorts or follow Bébert and Georges in their downward spiraling deeds! Whichever you choose, you won’t regret it!
Reading List
For Kids ages 2 and up!
Learning about syllables is easy with this extraordinary book. Papa, Papi, Pipi, Pita, Tata…Words link up with each other to the rhythm of a nursery rhyme leading us from Papa to Maman.
Each new illustration transports you into a colorful universe where you look for hidden clues (or sometimes ones that are right under your nose) that link earlier images to later ones. A joyful and animated way to learn about sounds and syllables though a book that delights in being read out loud and is full of tenderness and charm.
De papa à maman : un livre pour s’amuser avec les syllabes ! by Delphine Chédru, Sarbacane
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For kids ages 3 and up
Flamingo, a swim buoy shaped like its namesake, feels old and out of style in his beachfront store. The kids prefer the giant buoys in the shape of crabs or fruits. One windy day, a tempest stronger than the others sweeps Flamingo away and drops him on the ocean waves. And so he begins his journey around the world that will take him from the North Pole to the southern seas through all kinds of weather…
Le grand voyage de Flamingo by Sébastien Mourrain, Actes Sud Junior
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For kids ages 4 and up!
Charlotte is a little girl who only wears shorts. In shorts, she can run, jump, frolic, play, throw, catch. She can imagine, escape…But one fine day in autumn, Charlotte’s shorts have disappeared. Where did they go? What will Charlotte do without shorts? A book full of imagination about our favorite clothes and the freedom that they give us!
Charlotte et la migration des shorts by Laurene Smagghe & Jean-Claude Alphen, D’eux
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For kids ages 5 and up!
Badger is a trapper who lives in the mountains in Montana. But unlike other trappers, Badger doesn’t hunt and doesn’t kill animals; on the contrary, he protects them and they come to see him when they are having problems. One afternoon, he fixes a deer’s antler, takes care of a cut for an eagle, saves a baby beaver from drowning, and rescues some bear cubs from the top of a tree. But when he returns home exhausted and breaks his leg, a nice surprise is waiting for him!
Badger le trappeur by Oona Seguin, L’Agrume
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For kids ages 5 and up!
After an incredible fall from the sky, Bébert and Georges are sailing on what remains of their boat. Bébert is nervous. Isn’t it scary to be alone far out at sea? Are they going to be eaten by terrifying creatures or meet terrible people along the way? Georges is happy and plays his harmonica. It could be worse! But our two friends are only at the beginning of a long journey during which they will meet toxic frogs, a family of chimpanzees, some anthropoids, and many other exotic and nerve-wracking creatures!
Ça pourrait être bien pire by Einat Tsarfati, trans. from the Hebrew by Rosie Pinhas Delpuech, Cambourakis
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