A Malika Ferdjoukh Book for Every Child in Your Life!

When she was a student at the Sorbonne, Malika Ferdjoukh was in the habit of skipping classes to watch movies from Hollywood’s Golden Age, from westerns to detective films to love stories. Above all, Ferdjoukh is an unabashed lover of musicals and is able to belt out the most improbable of show tunes.

Her passion for musicals has inspired her delightful series for teens, Broadway Limited, and her detectives series Le Club de la Pluie is up there with Enid Blyton’s iconic Club des Cinq; but it is maybe Les Quatre Soeurs, a contemporary French take on Little Women, that has earned her a devoted readership.

Reading List

For kids ages 8 and up

When Rose enters the Black Rock boarding school, she has no idea what awaits her. She meets Nadget, with her ravishing smile; Ambroise, the son of the guards at the boarding school; and his dog Clipper. One rainy day, while taking a tour of the boarding school, they notice bits of paper with pleas for help thrown from the tower. Who could be sending those messages? It’s a mystery that the Rain Club, as they call themselves, has to solve.

Le Club de la pluie au pensionnat des mystères, a novel by Malika Ferdjoukh, Ecole des loisirs.
Click here to purchase this book with us.

For kids ages 8 and up

It’s the end of winter vacation in Saint-Malo, and at last the Rain Club finds itself without any mystery in particular to dig into. But then Jeanne Eyrmont, the goddaughter of the principal, shows up at the Pierres-Noires boarding school, and she seems frightened, as if she had seen ghosts. For real! Rose, Nadget and Milo decide to bring this case to the light of day.

Le Club de la pluie brave les tempêtes, a novel by Malika Ferdjoukh, Ecole des loisirs.
Click here to purchase this book with us.

Les Quatre Soeurs by Malika Ferdjoukh

For teens ages 12 and up.

Just like there were four Musketeers instead of three, these four sisters are actually five. Enid, Hortense, Bettina, Geneviève and Charlie Verdelaine all live together at the Vill’Hervé in an old little house perched on top of a cliff with some cats and an imaginary dwarf. After the death of their parents, Charlie, the oldest one, has no other choice than to become the adult of the family. These five orphans face many twists and turns with great companionship, and we follow them step by step in their sometimes happy and joyful, sometimes unfortunate and moving everyday life.

Malika Ferdjoukh has an undeniable way with words, and you will always keep these five sisters somewhere in your heart.

Les Quatre soeurs, by Malika Ferdjoukh, Ecole des loisirs.
Click here to purchase this four-volume series with us.

Broadway Limited by Malika Ferdjoukh

For teens ages 13 and up.

New York, 1948. At the Giboulee Boarding home, Mrs. Merle keeps watch over her resident girls like a mother; Jocelyn Brouillard, a budding pianist, is the only male exception and lives in a basement room.

Chic, Manhattan, Dido, and Hatley want to become dancers, models or actresses, and work hard to make their dreams come true. Though the four have enough energy to take over the city, they all struggle with hidden secrets (Dido is followed by the FBI, Chic is traumatized by her impoverished childhood, Manhattan is subject to panic attacks, and Hadley has renounced dancing to sell matches at the Social Platinum).

In Broadway Limited, Hollywood’s golden age is alive and vibrant again. Malika Ferdjoukh invites you to dance with Fred Astaire, meet the characters of All About Eve, cross paths with a beginner named Grace Kelly –– all while dreaming of a date with Cary Grant.

Broadway Limited, by Malika Ferdjoukh, Ecole des loisirs.
Purchase the first, second, and third volumes with us.

After almost two decades of working in publishing, and a few round trips between Paris and New York, Miriam has decided to settle down at Albertine to do what she enjoys most: recommending books she loves. Somehow this also includes taking bizarre pictures for Albertine's social media outlets.
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