6 Stories to Pack in Your Kid’s Beach Bag

Summer is that glorious time to read widely and nurture the love of books in your little ones. These picture books, carefully chosen by our one and only Erwana, are sure to spark your child’s imagination and take them traveling into the worlds of animals and monsters!
Your children will love them wherever you may go.
Reading List

To make her dream of climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower come true, Brune, an adventurous little Parisian girl, embarks on a day-long journey through the streets of Paris. There, she meets many friends – some of whom become her travel companions – and visits the city’s most iconic landmarks. Through Brune’s eyes, Iris de Mouy depicts a tender portrait of Paris and its inhabitants.
En route pour la Tour Eiffel, Iris de Moüy (Éditions Hélium)

Did you ever read a story in which the wolf is not bad? Probably not! Which is why it so much fun to read Une fin de loup, a playful book that reverses the roles. The story is simple: because he is tired of always doing the same thing, the wolf decides to go on an evil-strike. He refuses to scare, threaten, or eat the Petit Chaperon Rouge and the Trois Petits Cochons, who thus have no other choice but to rewrite their own stories. A fun reinterpretation of our most famous childhood tales!

Roger Chéri wakes up feeling sad one morning and dreams of being somebody else. As the day goes by, he becomes a bird, a lion, an elephant, and many other things; but with each transformation, he realizes that the others’ lives are not as ideal as they seem. His adventure subtly describes the difficulty – and the beauty – of learning to love oneself.
Roger Chéri, Magali Le Huche (Actes Sud)

Any child would be terrified to become a hairdresser for monsters. Except for Oscar: he gladly accepts the offer of Pier Paolo, who has been cutting the hair of the city’s most terrifying creatures for years. But how is it possible that a little boy could be so at ease with such a frightening job? A surprise ending explains it all!
Coiffeur pour monstres, Églantine Ceulemans and Alexandre Lacroix (Éditions Flammarion Jeunesse)

What does a perfect day look like? This poetic book tells the story of a simple yet beautiful day – and reminds us that happiness lies in the small, seemingly insignificant moments of life. Remy Charlip’s beautiful drawings will amaze your two or three-year-old!

Taupe (Mole) and Mulot (Field Mouse) are very different, yet they are inseparable. Every day, they meet and embark on a new adventure: fishing, painting, long walks in nature, etc. As seasons go by and landscapes change, they remain best friends – always helping and supporting one another. A tender book about nature and friendship.
Taupe & Mulot, Henri Meunier & Benjamin Chaud (Éditions Hélium)