The Story of Erica, a Hidden Child in Occupied France

On Saturday, March 26th at 3 PM, join Flora Hogman as she discusses her book, Le Récit d’Erica, enfant cachée dans la France occupée (Albin Michel). The conversation will be moderated by Sandrine Butteau, Director of Albertine Books. In her afterwords, Annette Wieviorka gives a quick view on the historical context of Erica’s Story.

While digging through her personal papers, Flora Hogman, alias Érica, stumbles upon a text she wrote almost fifty years ago, and which takes her back to 1943. This little girl from a Czech Jewish family was then seven years old, living in Nice with her mother, her father having died before the war. When the Germans entered the Zone Libre, her mother called on the “Marcel network” to put her in a safe place. Thus begins the wandering of a little girl alone in the world, a hidden child tossed from home to home in occupied France. In the middle of her terrible experience she found a way to keep a sense of hope, love and a childhood.

This event will be in English, and will take place at the bookstore. It is free with RSVP. Click here to receive an invitation.

Co-organized with Accueil New York.

Credit image: DR/ Flora Hogman

Flora Hogman survived WWII as a hidden child in Southern France and grew up there with adoptive parents. As a young adult she came to New York, studied psychology and became a clinical psychologist with a private practice in Manhattan. She has been a speaker for Facing History and ourselves and is a member of The Moth, a non-profit group based in New York City dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling. She recently discovered a manuscript of these war years, written decades ago, totally forgotten—and decided to have it published now.