The Revolutionary Lives of Frantz Fanon: Adam Shatz and Julian Lucas

On Thursday, April 11, join Adam Shatz and Julian Lucas as they discuss Shatz’s latest book, The Rebel’s Clinic, The Revolutionary Lives of Frantz Fanon (FSG), published to high acclaimed by FSG last January, and just out in France under the title Frantz Fanon, une vie en révolutions (éditions La Découverte). Shatz and Lucas will discuss why the writings about race, revolution, and the psychology of power, of the intellectual activist of the postcolonial era, continue to shape radical movements across the world.
The conversation will be in English. This event is free with RSVP. Click here for tickets.
Adam Shatz is the US editor of The London Review of Books and a contributor to The New York Times Magazine, The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, and other publications. He is the author of Writers and Missionaries: Essays on the Radical Imagination and the host of the podcast “Myself with Others.”
Julian Lucas is a staff writer at The New Yorker. His writing for the magazine includes an exploration of slavery reënactments, as well as profiles of artists and writers such as El Anatsui and Ishmael Reed. Previously, he was an associate editor at Cabinet and a contributing editor at The Point. His writing has appeared in The New York Review of Books, Vanity Fair, Harper’s Magazine, Art in America, and the New York Times Book Review, where he was a contributing writer.