Talisman Sur Ton Coeur With David Haziza

The sacred as the erotic, the erotic as the sacred–this is the Song of Songs.
David Haziza’s new translation and polyphonic essay offers for the first time in French a complete interpretation of The Song of Solomon. David Haziza manages to explore the key elements of the world’s oldest love poem, mobilizing the latest findings in linguistics, archeology, and comparative mythology. It is a brilliant and unique work where, at the crossroads of religion and blasphemy, language confronts the body.
Join journalist Macha Fogel and author David Haziza for a discussion on his new book, published in May 2017 by Editions du Cerf.
David Isaac Haziza was born in 1988. He was a student at the Ecole Normale Superieure and graduated in philosophy. He is currently a PhD candidate in comparative and French literature at Columbia University and as lived in New York for three years. As a regular contributor to the reviews La Règle du Jeu and Tenou’a, he has been focusing on modern society’s excesses as well as on the interweaving of politics and the religious. His first book Talisman sur ton coeur – Polyphonie sur le Cantique des Cantiques was published in early 2017 by Editions du Cerf.
Born in Paris in 1983, Macha Fogel is a writer and journalist for Monde des Religions.She is a former Radio France reporter for Moscow and has lived for two years now inNew York, where she joined the theater company in Yiddish, the New Yiddish Rep.