Literature and Democracy: When Politics Shape Private Life

On Saturday, November 16, join Egyptian author Alaa Al Aswany and French journalist Laure Adler for a conversation on Al Aswany’s latest novel, The Trees Walk in Alexandria (Knopf).
The Trees Walk in Alexandria follows a group of friends in 1960s Egypt. Bound by their love for their city — which feels like a nation in itself— they find themselves divided in their views on current political events and the charismatic leader Gamal Abdel Nasser. Amidst profound social and political turmoil in Egypt, what will become of these men and women who aspire for justice, beauty, and love while striving to maintain their faith in the cosmopolitan spirit of Alexandria?
The conversation will take place in English and will be followed by a book signing. This event is free with RSVP. Click here for tickets.
This event is co-organized with Villa Albertine, and is a part of Albertine’s 10th Anniversary Celebration.
ALAA AL ASWANYis the author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction, including the novels The Yacoubian Building (trans. by Humphrey T. Davies, Harper Collins), a best-seller in the Arab world for over five years, and The Automobile Club of Egypt (trans. by Russell Harris, Knopf Doubleday). His work has been translated into more than thirty languages and published in more than one hundred countries. He has received several international awards, including the Grinzane Cavour Prize, and in 2016, he was appointed a Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France.
LAURE ADLER is a French journalist, biographer, essayist, novelist, editor, and producer. Joining France-Culture in 1974, she initially worked as a secretary before hosting the renowned program Panorama and producing influential shows like Les Nuits magnétiques. In addition to her television work, she has authored several notable books, including À l’aube du féminisme (Payot & Rivages) and Marguerite Duras (Flammarion), and served as a cultural advisor to President François Mitterrand from 1990 to 1992. Laure Adler has also been celebrated for her work as a radio host, leading some of Radio France’s best-known literary shows for the past decades.
Photos credits: © JF Paga/© Abdallah Hassan