Exploring Greek mythology with Hélène Montardre

Join us as we explore the treasures of Greek mythology with Hélène Montardre. To participate in this session, all you have to do is to pick a favorite from the list of heroes that Hélène Montardre  has been writing about, and join us to hear their incredible destinies!

L’enlèvement de Perséphone, Nathan
Achille, le guerrier, Nathan
Ulysse et le cyclope, Nathan 
Le labyrinthe de Dédale, Nathan, 
Ulysse, l’aventurier des mers, Nathan
Les douze travaux d’Hercule, Nathan
Jason et la Toison d’or, Nathan
Thésée contre le Minotaure, Nathan
Persée et la Gorgone, Nathan
Dans le ventre du cheval de Troie, Nathan
Zeus à la conquête de l’Olympe, Nathan

In French. For kids ages 8 and up. Free and open to the public with RSVP to rsvp@albertine.com

Hélène Montardre was born in 1954 in Montreuil. When asked what her plans for the future were, she would answer: writing, traveling, having kids. Since no profession strictly matched her ambitions, she became an executive assistant, cultural guide, and editor. Traveling has always been an important part of her life. Today, she is mother to two daughters and the author of fifty books, including novels and illustrated books for children of all ages. Through her books she shares her dreams, her fantasies, her desires, and her hopes, but also showcases the inherent frailty of life and memory.