
Mila Thomas
Mila is an intern at Albertine Books during her gap year before ending her Master Degree at Sciences Po Toulouse. She’s loved reading since she was a little girl and is proud to say that she was the big winner of a 2nd grade contest where you had to read as many books as possible in one week! From fantasy and feel good novels, to darker stories, Mila is open to discovering all kinds of worlds.
Mila Thomas | October 2, 2024
Édouard Louis in Monique s’évade reveals his mom’s bravery. She is finally choosing herself and deciding that she does not deserve this. “This” is verbal abuse and daily insults flying out of her tormentor’s mouth once his whiskey drink is finished.
Édouard Louis in Monique s’évade reveals his mom’s bravery. She is finally choosing herself and deciding that she does not deserve this. “This” is verbal abuse and daily insults flying out of her tormentor’s mouth once his whiskey drink is finished.
Édouard Louis in Monique s’évade reveals his mom’s bravery. She is finally choosing herself and deciding that she does not…
Mila Thomas | September 19, 2024
“La célébrité est ma vie. Celle que je savais que j’aurais, celle que j’ai fait en sorte d’avoir. Est-ce que j'étais préparée à un tel succès? Bien sûr que oui.” [Fame is my life. The thing I knew I would have and did everything to have. Was I prepared for this kind of success? Yes, of course.]
“La célébrité est ma vie. Celle que je savais que j’aurais, celle que j’ai fait en sorte d’avoir. Est-ce que j'étais préparée à un tel succès? Bien sûr que oui.” [Fame is my life. The thing I knew I would have and did everything to have. Was I prepared for…
“La célébrité est ma vie. Celle que je savais que j’aurais, celle que j’ai fait en sorte d’avoir. Est-ce que…